559631_10152792760745256_1321325380231233358_nDecember 5, 2014 – December 5, 2014



Join NAAAP Toronto and the Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers in a toast of holiday cheer!

NAAAP & FACL Members: $5.00
Non Members: Register in advance, $10.00 ($20.00 at the door)
Please see the Uniiverse link above for tickets.

Mixer Includes:
* Complimentary hors-d’oeuvres
* Attire: Business casual, urban smart
* Remember to bring lots of business cards
* Ramping up your network for the holidays

NAAAP (North American Association of Asian Professionals) Toronto is a not for profit volunteer-based association dedicated to cultivating leadership, professional development and workplace diversity. As an integral Canadian Chapter in an International organization, NAAAP spans coast to coast, encompassing over 28 cities in Canada and the United States.

The Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers is a diverse coalition of Asian Canadian legal professionals dedicated to promoting equity, justice, and opportunity for Asian Canadian legal professionals and the community. A broad range of programs and events throughout the year foster advocacy, community involvement, legal scholarship and professional development. www.facl.ca

